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5-8岁儿童的英语单词拼写 (完整版)

5-8岁儿童的英语单词拼写 (完整版)  2.1

  • 软件授权: 免费软件
  • 软件大小: 46.3 MB
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  • 软件类型: 国产软件
  • 更新时间: 2024-12-31
  • 应用平台: ios
  • 软件语言: 中文
  • 版      本: 2.1

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5-8岁儿童的英语单词拼写 (完整版)段首LOGO
专为教育工作者和语音语言病理学家正在与学生学习英语的,这个应用程序可以在课堂上和家庭中使用。该应用程序包括多种适用于第一级的话 - 参见下面的完整列表。 已建成各种脚手架支撑在包括以下内容: - 3一丝模式:字母,元音或辅音和元音或辅音和信 - 每个单词的发音正常,慢(点选“声音”按钮,听到缓慢的发音) - 大写字母和小写选项 此应用程序使用一个QWERTY键盘布局。作为内置的脚手架的结果,此应用程序可以使用不同级别的拼音。各种脚手架的支持,使此的拼写应用程序中脱颖而出。这是伟大的在课堂辅导和独立播放。 在年底,每个级别的奖励是很短的可选弹出气球游戏。在30秒内尽可能多的气球,你可以看到谁拥有最快的手指弹出。 您是否有兴趣加入我们的应用程序测试人员“组,并影响我们未来的应用程序吗?请加入我们tapfun.com和了解我们的方法和途径。 关于Tapfun Tapfun与教育界同工为小学儿童教育应用。我们的应用程序的设计,配合和补充学校课程。 ******** 下面是一个完整的单词列表(英文),每个级别: Level 1-3 - Short Vowel Sound of A am, an, as, at, rat, sat, cat, pad, mad, pad, sad, sap, gap, bag, gag, hag, lag, tag, ban, can, fan, pan, ran, tan, van, cap, map, nap, rap, jam, ham Level 4-6 - Short Vowel Sound of E bed, led, red, wed, beg, leg, hen, den, men, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, yet, fell, bell, sell, nest, zest, test, pest, rest, jest, tent, rent, sent, went, felt, pelt, melt Level 7-9 - Short Vowel Sound of I if, it, is, bit, hit, sit, rid, lid, sip, tip, nip, lip, him, rim, fix, six, din, pin, sin, tin, dig, fig, big, pig, jig, rig, bib, rib, fib Level 10-12 - Short Vowel Sound of O on, ox, got, cot, jot, lot, cob, job, rob, sob, cod, god, nod, pod, rod, log, hog, dog, box, hop, mop, pop, top, dot, jot, lot, pot, rot, not Level 13-14 - Short Vowel Sound of U up, us, cub, hub, rub, bud, mud, dug, mug, pug, tug, jug, sum, bun, run, sun, rut, hung, lung, sung, gush, dust, must, rust, gust, drum Level 15-18 - Review of Short Vowel Sounds man, fin, fit, hot, rug, lap, get, dim, rot, hum, pat, ten, mix, fun, tap, wet, hid, dot, hut, had, peg, his, cut, had, den, did, sod, fun, fog, tub, bet, hug, dip, fog, gun, did, gum, nag, bet, pen, cog, flog, help, lift, rush Level 19 - Long Vowel Sound of A date, late, mate, jade, fade, rate, came, same, cage, page, lace, wake Level 20 - Long Vowel Sound of E me, fee, feel, seek, we, she, feed, meek, beef, heed, deed, keep, reel, weed, deep, peep, weep Level 21 - Long Vowel Sound of I pile, file, mile, dike, like, fire, tire, life, rife, wife, hide, ride Level 22 - Long Vowel Sound of O code, node, rove, jolt, molt, bolt, bone, cone, hone, tone, hope, rope, cope, note, vote, hold Level 23 - Long Vowel Sound of U lure, cure, pure, cube, tube, mute, dune, use, huge, cue Level 24-28 - Short Vowel Sounds crab, grab, drab, slab, stab, brag, cram, clan, clad, dash, bled, fled, sled, sped, then, bent, best, vest, west, chip, ship, whip, slip, drip, spit, crib, gift, king, grit, shot, blot, spot, plot, trot, clog, frog, plod, stop, clod, bump, lump, pump, jump, hump, bulk, just, drug, shut, hush Level 29-30 - Various Vowel Sounds card, hard, bark, dark, hint, lint, mint, tint, deal, meal, neat, heat, bang, fang, gang, hang, rang, tank, rank, sank, hank, dank, dime

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5-8岁儿童的英语单词拼写 (完整版)

5-8岁儿童的英语单词拼写 (完整版) 2.1
